Extremal tuning
Kompresor – Supercharger – mechanical charging.
1. Some phisics /just a little not to bore you/
Analising rules of phisics, on which basics functioning of the engine, we come to the assumption that there are three ways of increasing power, coming out directly from the most basic formula for the engines power.
In simplification – engines power is:
P (power) = n (rounds) x V (capacity) x p (average useful pressure)
First way is increasing of rounding speed of the engine – n. Solution is very interesting but demanding very complicated changes of the engines construction.
F.ex. Growth of the rounds from 6000 up to 8500 causes double growth of the powers working on crankshaft, what causes necessity of implementing enforced pistons, crankshafts, valves, valves' springs, itd.
Second way, also coming out from the power formula, implemented not only by engines producers, but also by tuners – especialy german ones, consists on increasing of the capacity of the engine – V.
Third way for improving of the engines parameters is increasing of average useful pressure p, which means iniecting into the engine much air-fuel mixture in responding proportions. Increasing only of the fuel amount do not give anything because without bigger amount of air it would not be combusted.
Increasing of supplied air is called charging and may be conducted by using charger, or without the charger – as dynamic charging.
So, speaking theoreticaly - 100% growth of the air-fuel mixture causes 100% growth of the engines power without increasing rounds or capacity.
2. How does it work?
Dynamic charging
Dynamic charging (without charger) consists on such a projecting of the engine that in some ranges of rounds would appear resonance occurrence, anableing increase in air-fuel mixture filling. To achieve this occurrence you have to choose apropriate elements, its sizes and shapes, by which flows the mixture. They are: intake and exhaust systems, cumshaft, head. Processes conducted in the engine are very complicated and taught for mathematical measurments. That is why after initial project, all the solutions are checked on testbenches. Example impact of intake system length on engines parameters are shown on our sites – klick here
Charger boost
Depending on implemented device (charger) three basic types of such a boost may be distinguished:
• mechanical,
• turbocharging,
• comprex.
Turbocharger Rootsa Vortech Turbocharger
The basic rule of working turbocharger type comprex is well known and will not be here repeated.
3. Now only about mechanical charging – compresors, called in english superchargers.
Mechanical charging is such a kind of boosting, where the charger is incited straight from the crankshaft by the belt or by means of cogged transmission. So, there is a connection between charger and source of the drift (thats where its name come from). Mechanical chargers were implemented already since II World War in avion engines. In recent cars they appear f.ex. In Mercedes, where all the models aproved in such a charger carry the name “Kompresor”
4. Adoption
Mechanical charging is very often used by tuners regarding on its basic feature which is so called “lack of turbo-hole” and relatively easy montage.
Roots type Chargers are implemented mostly in Mercedes but regarding on its shape its hard to implement them for the engines of other brands. For this purposes the best are radial chargers, f.ex. VORTECH or PROCHARGER, that have very consistent construction. They are constructed for tuning solutions and many tuning companies uses such products, making elements enableing its montage.
You can order ready kit for many brands of the cars such as BMW, VW, HONDA, FORD, PORSHE, TOYOTA. It is important to underline that montage of such kit is fully convertible and you can carry it to other car of the same model.
Such kits are usually produced in several versions – from the simpliest up to most advanced.
Its cost is from 3000 to 8000 Euro.
Increase in power is 40% up to over 100%.
Below the graph of the power and torque of VW Passat 2.8 VR6 with the compresor.